Will Green

Product Designer

Will Green

Product Designer

I design

I'm Will, a product designer based in Bristol, UK. I specialise in software for the web. During my ~8 years in design I have been fortunate enough to work on consumer and enterprise software for various industries, including fintech, proptech, and hrtech.

I currently work at Ravelin, building software to help companies detect and prevent fraud. In the little spare time that remains I do the odd bit of freelance work.

Limited freelance availability

I design

I'm Will, a product designer based in Bristol, UK. I specialise in software for the web. During my ~8 years in design I have been fortunate enough to work on consumer and enterprise software for various industries, including fintech, proptech, and hrtech.

I currently work at Ravelin, building software to help companies detect and prevent fraud. In the little spare time that remains I do the odd bit of freelance work.

Limited freelance availability